Centos latest
Centos latest

centos latest

Download the migration script: curl -O.If the OS version is lower than 8.5, change the paths to the repositories: sed -i -r 's|^(mirrorlist.+)$|#\1|g s|^#baseurl=\$contentdir/\$releasever/|baseurl=|g' /etc//CentOS-*.repo.Check the OS version: cat /etc/redhat-release.Connect to the server with the conrol panel via SSH.To continue working with the control panel, you can migrate to AlmaLinux OS using the almalinux-deploy script: Installation and operation of the control panel on a server with CentOS 8 is not supported. Since January 2022, support for CentOS 8 has ended. How to change the repository from beta to stable.How to work with databases in the panel.How to add Node.js projects in the panel.Import data from cPanel into ISPmanager.How to move ISPmanager from one server to another.Upgrade from ISPmanager Lite, Pro, Host to ISPmanager Business.How to find out the version of the panel?.How do I change the visual theme of the panel?.How do I replace the banner on the main page?.Can I install an existing license on another server?.How to switch from ISPmanager 5 to ISPmanager 6?.How do I restrict access to phpmyadmin?.Why is another website opened when I try to open mine?.How do I change the IP address used by ihttpd?.How do I check the SSL certificate for the email domain?.How to purchase a service from ISPmanager?.XML description of the Dragon theme interface.Obsolete website creation and editing form.Plug-in example: templates engine management.Plug-in example: how to change a domain directory.Plug-in example: how to add a menu module.Integrating BILLmanager with existing ispmanager accounts.Manage resource DNS-records of the domain in Cloudflare.Configure individual Cloudflare rules for website pages.Configure domain optimization and protection through Cloudflare.Install and configure the Cloudflare module.Configuring links to email client, phpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin.Create a PostgreSQL database management system.Create a MySQL database management system.

centos latest

Template engine for configuration files.Manual modification of web-server configuration files.Protect a mail server from spam and viruses.Log in to control panel with permissions as another user.Configure social networking authorization.How to create a website on the server with ISPmanager.

Centos latest